Westford Conservation Trust Scholarship Recipients for 2024

Each year the Trust presents college scholarships to Westford seniors going to college with an interest in environmental science or related field, demonstrated by coursework and volunteer/community service. Education and conservation are foremost in the minds of the Trust directors and we hope to encourage the youth of Westford to follow this same passion. The … Read more

Wildlife Watch by Marian Harman – Summer 2024

Happy Fall, wildlife lovers, here we have arrived at the end of summer, and I haven’t checked in for quite a while. Westford Wildlife Watch was first published in 1990, and has appeared monthly since then—34 years!  This article will occur only occasionally in the future, as I plan to spend the next year collecting … Read more

Wildlife Watch by Marian Harman – March 2024

Spring has come early this year, at least if you watch and listen for emerging amphibians. Many amphibians usually emerge from their winter hibernation in late March or early April. They wait for very specific conditions: a rainy night after the ground has thawed and the temperature is at least 40 degrees. Amphibians migrate from … Read more

Wildlife Watch by Marian Harman – February 2024

In May of 2020, northern Westford experienced a furious microburst of wind. It came on very suddenly and knocked down huge swathes of big old pine trees in its path. Our condo and some others were damaged by trees falling. The forest to the north of us which borders on Snake Meadow Brook and Keyes … Read more