Local Corporate Volunteers Help with Trail Projects


Corporate volunteers from NVIDIA in Westford work on clearing a massive number of tires at Veterans Memorial Complex

This has been a great spring/summer for the trust and the town of Westford as volunteers from local businesses participated in trail projects at several local trails and conservation land.

Huge thanks to the corporate volunteers from NVIDIA in Westford who worked on two trail and land projects this June, what an awesome day!! A crew of 30 volunteers from Nvidia cleared tires from near the trails of the Veterans Memorial Complex. They were prepared with tools, super pepped up, and just wouldn’t quit until the job was done, finding more tires and junk than the Trust knew was there. They extracted a basketball hoop, a toilet, various metal parts, and 160 tires. Yes, 160. Your highway department will properly dispose of this mega-litter. Thank you to a phenomenal team.
A crew of 20 eager and focused volunteers from Nvidia parachuted in, built forty feet of boardwalk, cleaned up, delivered it to the trailhead, and disappeared with thanks for the opportunity. I’m still in awe. They arrived with a workshop’s arsenal of tools, even drill bits and extension cords. All I had to supply was the raw materials, a few outlets and a flat work surface.
A huge thank you to all our corporate volunteers from Ribbon Communications here in Westford for all their work on the Acker Trail and Village View trails in June. Their efforts were very much appreciated!!
A huge thank you also to the wonderful folks at Symetrica here in Westford who volunteered their time to do trail work on the Lyberty trails in May! They did an awesome job working all the way to Powers Road and back.
Thanks also to our trust folks who helped and oversaw these huge projects – Rich Strazdas, Ron Gemma & Bill Harman.